Visual Ramblings: the chronicles of tomas flint - visual explorer.

Enthusiastic observer of light, love & all things living.

Greetings beautiful blog people. Welcome to the newly renovated visual:ramblings. Here you'll find stories of love, tid-bits of wisdom and visual ramblings detailing the life and times of yours truly. The idea here is not to simply showcase my work, but to establish and maintain an interactive environment where readers and contributors become one in the same - as this space does not belong to me, but to all who breathe life into it through reading, embracing and reacting to its visual randomness. I sincerely hope that you enjoy your visit and look forward to a wonderful journey together.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Published : Destination Weddings & Honeymoons Magazine

Greetings beautiful people :)

It is with great excitement that I announce the inclusion of Kathy & Rob's Puerto Vallarta Wedding in the 'I Do, I Do' section of the July Issue of Destination Weddings and Honeymoons Magazine. The issue is available nationwide at all major booksellers through the end of August. If you happen into Barnes & Noble with some time to kill - grab yourself a Caramel Frap and give the issue a once features fantastic photos and could prove handy if you happen to be planning a wedding in a far-off place. ...or anywhere really ...or if you like palm trees. ...or luaus. ...or boat drinks :)

A million thank you's are not enough to send to Mr. Joe Cogliandro of J. Cogliandro Photography. It was honor enough to have the opportunity together, but to share this publication is a cherry on top of a cherry cheesecake. Joe - for your trust, respect and friendship I am forever grateful. Let's do it again homeboy!

Kathy & Rob - You guys...ahhh...what can I say!?!? The B-E-S-T! This is a fitting tribute to an amazing couple who understand and value the significance that photography plays in our lives. Your patience, respect, enthusiasm and love mean everything and I am so happy for you guys!!!

Here are a few snaps of the snaps in the July/August issue of Destination Weddings & Honeymoons Magazine.
tomas flint photographer,rochester ny wedding photographer,finger  lakes wedding photographer,top wedding photographer,best wedding  photographer,top destination wedding photographer

tomas flint photographer,rochester ny wedding photographer,finger lakes wedding photographer,top wedding photographer,best wedding photographer,top destination wedding photographer

tomas flint photographer,rochester ny wedding photographer,finger  lakes wedding photographer,top wedding photographer,best wedding  photographer,top destination wedding photographer


It is also with GREAT EXCITEMENT that I announce that this will be the last post on this blog. Now before you go out and riot in the streets, this does NOT mean that it is my last blog post. Oh, no my friends. Just my last post to this blog as you know it...or see it. It was time to clean things up a bit so I present to you the fresh face of:

By clicking on the image below, you will be redirected to the new site. As you will soon see, there are plenty of new features, gadgets, bits and bobs. Stop by won't you?!?!

That's all folks. See ya on the flipside :):):)

t (photographer with a shiny new blog :

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