Visual Ramblings: the chronicles of tomas flint - visual explorer.

Enthusiastic observer of light, love & all things living.

Greetings beautiful blog people. Welcome to the newly renovated visual:ramblings. Here you'll find stories of love, tid-bits of wisdom and visual ramblings detailing the life and times of yours truly. The idea here is not to simply showcase my work, but to establish and maintain an interactive environment where readers and contributors become one in the same - as this space does not belong to me, but to all who breathe life into it through reading, embracing and reacting to its visual randomness. I sincerely hope that you enjoy your visit and look forward to a wonderful journey together.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Red, White & Blue

Greetings Dear Friends,

On the eve our country's celebration of freedom, I came across this most spectacular quote. Though it speaks most specifically of personal freedom, I find it fitting to share with you all:

“Every human has four endowments - self awareness, conscience, independent will & creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom...The power to choose, to respond, to change.”

-Steven R. Covey

If our perception is our reality, then let us choose to exercise our freedom to perceive that which surrounds us as the best of what's around. In doing this we are to live, to love, to grow and to change.

Here's wishing you a safe and colorful 4th of July. I'm off to the lake!!!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Beautyful! Thanks for sharing!